We are constantly iterating, solving problems and working together to connect people all over the world.
We know that electric vehicles have undeniable benefits for our future and nature. That’s why we are expanding and developing our investments and R&D for electric vehicles.
We encourage non-governmental organizations and large companies to work for a better nature with our environmentally beneficial projects.
We invest in artificial intelligence and crypto technologies and we believe that the future is in these industries.
Our principles are what we stand for. They are beliefs we hold deeply and make tradeoffs to pursue.
By our community to support the causes they care about
We use our apps to connect with customers and grow together
Help people stay close even when they are far apart
Greatest distance by electric bus,
single charge (non-solar).
The greatest distance by electric bus, single charge (non solar) is 1,018 km (632.55 miles) and was achieved by Brighsun EV Group (Australia) in Melbourne, Australia from 14 to 15 November 2015.
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